a place to discover your
We believe that everything—whether we are singing, learning, raising families or working in the office—all of life can be done in worship of Jesus Christ.
We believe that everything—whether we are singing, learning, raising families or working in the office—all of life can be done in worship of Jesus Christ.
About SHBC
Sunset Hills Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. We focus on Christ-centered music which is a blend of traditional hymns, current Praise & Worship music with special music ranging from classics to contemporary Christian.
Pastor Jim strives to teach the Bible verse-by-verse, expositional and exegetically. The key here is "teaching", with an emphasis on application and understanding.
Jim’s passion is the communication of God’s Word, so it can be applied to people’s lives. He teaches in an expositional, exegetical manner which sometimes referred to as “verse-by-verse.” Jim seeks to engage people’s hearts and minds, often through the use of humor, always seeking to emphasize Jesus Christ throughout the teaching of Scripture.
Ed Stetzer defines the church as, “The sign and instrument of God’s kingdom.” God has chosen to use His Church, the Body of Christ, as the means (instrument) and the proclamation (sign) of His kingdom which was fulfilled through the ministry and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Since everything we do as a church is about Jesus Christ, we seek to demonstrate who Christ is through the ministries we accomplish. As a growing congregation seeking the Spirit’s health in the lives of our members, we realize while we cannot be involved in “many things,” we have the ability to do the ministries in which we are involved well. We work knowing God is sovereign and always remembering we cannot ever forget that He is sovereign over all! As we teach the Word of God emphasizing the living Word Jesus Christ, we seek to “work out our salvation” (Phil. 2:12) in every service and ministry we accomplish in order to bring glory to Christ! View All Our Ministries >
Our desire is to make Jesus Christ the center of our worship and He is also the audience for whom we perform. Our music will appeal to all ages and we strive to use music to touch people culturally and spiritually—fulfilling Christ’s statement in John 4:23 saying, “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.”
We believe that our children are both a gift from the Lord and a responsibility of parents and the congregation. Rather than fostering an environment where children are unaccustomed to worshipping alongside adults, we want to foster a desire to participate in regular worship with the full Body of Christ!
Okay, sure, this has traditionally been referred to as “Sunday School,” but we chose to rename these periods of teaching and fellowship to something that reflects what we are trying to accomplish: imparting truth and encouragement to enable us to live our lives through greater knowledge and stronger relationships with each other.
The women of Sunset Hills actively live out our faith and obedience to Christ as we use our spiritual gifts to pray for, give to, and do missions in Jesus’ name. We meet once a month to learn from scripture how we can develop spiritually toward a missions lifestyle that encourages us to obey Christ’s command to “go and make disciples,” beginning in our own community and reaching to the ends of the earth.
Sunset Hills is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Even though we are “affiliated,” we are both independent and autonomous in our worship of the Lord Jesus and receive no oversight or direction from any organization outside of the membership and leadership of Sunset Hills Baptist Church.
Our Sunday Morning worship begins at 10:30AM, with Life Groups at 9:15AM (think Sunday School). Dress is casual. Jim usually wears jeans and a sports coat or vest. If you feel comfortable in a coat and tie, come on! We are looking for those who desire to worship through song and the study of God’s Word which lifts up the person of Jesus Christ!
As a smaller, growing church, we often have ministry needs beyond where we are at the moment. For security reasons we enforce membership requirements and background checks for those opportunities regarding children, but we have many areas of service available: ushers, teachers, maintenance, visitation and many more which the Lord will open up when He brings in new people!
SHBC desires to use the resources given to meet the financial responsibilities we have as an organization, and we seek to do so in a manner which is open and accountable to our membership.
We are a 501c3 religious organization which means the gifts given to our church are usually tax-deductible under current laws of the United States.